It's one thing to do something,
It's another thing to inspire others...

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We hope you find some inspiration in our journeys

Just the mention of sharks and some people automatically tense up with thoughts of movies like JAWS. You might think that we have to be the ones afraid of sharks when we head out to sea, but it’s actually humans that are KILLING SHARKS at an alarming rate! Now thanks to environmental activists and conservation groups, there are more regulations in the trade of shark fins and other types of Shark and Ray products. 18 species of endangered Sharks and Rays have been given new protections. This landmark in shark conservation just might make a difference for these endangered species before it’s too late and they become extinct. 

          This past week a group that includes 183 member countries

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If you build it...

They say “If you build it they will come…”

Well, if you are reading this in May of 2019, it means we are still building it.  What we wanted to “build” was a Dive Center of our own. We have had this dream for a few years now,,. 

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Destination Koh Phi Phi

Koh Phi Phi is a popular stop on the backpacker and tourist routes of Thailand. It’s probably best known as a “Party Island”, and if that’s what you’re looking for, you won’t be disappointed. However, it has a lot more to offer than drunken nights and sleepy days. There are many opportunities to relax on pristine beaches, hike up to breathtaking views, snorkel in the shallows, kayak to a beach full of monkeys, enjoy your favorite Thai cuisine, and of course do some great Scuba Diving! If you’re not the party all night kind of traveler, or you’ve had enough of that already by the time you get to Phi Phi don’t worry…

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Oh the places we have been... Bali

It was early 2016, and we decided to go to Bali. We didn’t have a plan, we just knew that we really wanted to live, work, and dive there. So we packed up our gear and whatever else we could fit into our bags with the little room left, and booked ourselves a ticket to the unknown. When we got there we had no idea what to expect.

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Lots of news in the last couple of months about our Earth environment healing, and we want to explore what effects this global virus pandemic of 2020 has been having on environmental ecosystems, the diving industry, and what the future of diving…

Marine debris has become a growing problem. This is probably​ no surprise to the many scuba divers out there that have been on an otherwise pristine coral reef, and discovered pollution in its many forms strewn about among the beautiful soft corals and habitats of marine creatures…  Some of us like to take things one step further by getting our hands dirty and taking Direct Action. If you fall into this category, or are even just curious about what it takes to do an underwater clean up, then you are a Dive Hero in our eyes and this was written for you!

Malaysian Dive Expo 2019 Kuala Lumpur

Dive industry trade shows are always an interesting mix. Many of the attendees are people new to the world of diving or just starting out, as well as those who have been diving for 20 years and more. Then of course, there are all the vendors selling their products, dive resorts looking to book people at their far off destinations, and training agencies like PADI, SSI, RAID etc. However along the peripheral sides of the main floor you can also find the different types of conservation groups and NGO’s who have come to promote their various programs. But the best part by far, are the presentations and talks given, and this years’ MIDE trade show in Kuala Lumpur was not a disappointment on any level. We were happy to see…

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Tioman island, Malaysia

Tioman island is probably known as one of the most popular places to dive in Malaysia. One of the biggest reasons it has the reputation of being a dive destination is undoubtedly its close proximity to Malaysia’s capitol, Kuala Lumpur and Singapore.

In the 1970’s Time Magazine named Tioman as “one of the worlds most beautiful islands” and despite a massive uptick in development and visitors…

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