Be a dive hero

If you love the ocean like we do, please join us to help protect marine habitats for generations to come. 

Dive for free!

see the details or RSVP on our facebook events page for our next action

What does it mean to be a DIVE HERO?

Think like a hero, act like a hero

” The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil, is for good men (and women) to do nothing…”

~ John F Kennedy 

Becoming a Dive Hero is simple really. It’s a matter of shifting your focus. Think of the first time you ever went diving. You were probably so amazed at seeing things like a turtle or clown fish that you didn’t even notice an old beer can lying on the bottom. That’s pretty normal and you shouldn’t feel bad. Becoming a Dive Hero is about becoming an ambassador of the sea. Thinking like a Dive Hero means taking a minute to pick up that beer can or plastic bag and putting it in your pocket to throw away later. As you continue this trend you will want to do more. Joining an under water clean up or organizing one is the natural next step. From there we start to ask ourselves how does all this rubbish make it into the ocean to begin with. We can start to participate in beach clean ups and as we follow the cycle of trash further up the chain the focus becomes about the activities of humans on land. Eventually we can start to educate the public about our habits and how we view all the things in our lives that can potentially end up as marine debris. In the end we can Think like a Dive Hero, Act like a Dive Hero, Speak out like a Dive Hero. 

What you can do

  • Refuse, Reuse, Reduce, Repurpose, Recycle
  • Get involved with clean up efforts on land and underwater
  • Help to create and maintain artificial reefs
  • Practice good diving habits and help others to learn them
  • Educate the public about the cycle of trash and marine habitat
  • Inspire others to become a Dive Hero too. Together we are stronger!

Need more reasons to get involved?

It is hard to look at these heart breaking images and feel no sense of urgency to help. Rather than look away or shed tears for these creatures, we hope that these photos inspire you to get involved. We have all contruibed to the problem, now we have the unique opportunity as divers to become part of the solution. Please support Dive Heroes everywhere by becoming involved. Support, encourage, participate, donate, speak out, and step up!