If you build it, they will come?

They say “If you build it, they will come…”

Well, if you are reading this in May of 2019, it means we are still building it.  What we wanted to “build” was a Dive Center of our own. We have had this dream for a few years now. Unfortunately, that’s easier said than done. In December 2018 we met some enthusiastic new divers that wanted to start a dive business of some kind, but they lacked the knowledge to do so on their own. After months of talking and planning, we thought we found some partners to go forward with. They seemed to have the necessary money to invest, and we would provide the knowledge and experience. However, as this partnership started to evolve, it became clear to all of us that their idea of what makes a good dive center compared to our experience and motivations were never going to line up. So we moved forward.

 We next found a Eco-resort that outsourced all their diving to other dive centers. They were very interested in offering diving to their guests in house, without having to manage the diving operations or invest their own money in the enterprise.  We very much wanted to start our dive center on their grounds and it seemed like a perfect fit. We have written a great business plan, started this website, and have everything in place… Or so it seems. All except the funding we need and the time it will take us to do things right. It seems that the timing is just off by a few months. So it’s back to the drawing board so to speak. It’s been an emotional roller coaster of sorts. To be so close to our dreams, only to see them be pushed away into the future. 

For now it seems like the dive center of our dreams will remain a dream. We believe that things unfold as they should. We look forward to continuing our lives as dive instructors. As mentors, role models, environmental action organizers, and as lovers of all living things. 

Who knows what the future holds or where the winds of destiny will blow us. We have so much to be thankful for and so much to look forward to. 

Hopefully, in the immediate future, we will find a position with another awesome dive center. We truly believe that with so much to offer in the way of experience and enthusiasm, surely there is someone out there looking to hire people like us for their team. Looking forward, we hope to keep living life to it’s fullest and take each day as it comes… Dreams are not built in days or weeks, but they can come true to those of us who persist. 

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